
Exercise, an annoying concept to some and an amazing concept to others. However, no matter how annoying we may think it is, it's very important for our health. We are recommended to have at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. Physical activities have many advantages, it can help reduce the risk of heart disease, help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels, increase your chances of living longer, etc.

Studies show that exercising and working out provides a positive impact to your mental AND physical health, put all the stress aside and focus in physical activities, it will elevate your mood and decreases the chances of depression. Not getting exercise is just as bad as smoking. The absence of physical inactivity heightens chances of major health conditions. Other effects of the absence of exercise are, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer. Overall, approximately 5.3 million out of 57 million death are caused by physical inactivity(2008).

Exercising does not have to mean spending excessive amounts of money on a gym membership or getting a personal trainer, you can exercise just from the comfort of your own home. Modern technology allows us to search up simple, and equipment-less exercise routines that we can do at home. Some activities that can be done at home are push-ups which improve your posture, increase whole body muscle, and prevents lower back injuries. Planking is an easy way of warming up, it helps you reduce belly fat, it also reduces back pain by strengthening the core. Jumping jacks can be done almost anywhere as well, doing 3 sets of 100 "jacks" throughout the day is preferred. One set of jumping jacks only takes 2 minutes and just by this, an easy 60 calories can burn a day. Squatting is another exercise that can be done anywhere. Squatting is mostly known as a leg exercise however it has benefits throughout the entire body by promoting body-wide muscles. Doing 2-3 sets of 20 squats stabilizes muscles and help with waste removal. In summary, exercising helps you improve your physical health, have more confidence in yourself, and most importantly helps extend your lifespan!

Examples of workout routine: